Recorded Events
Dispute Resolution on Social Media Platforms – 31 May 2024
Dispute Resolution in the eSport Industry – 30 May 2024
DAO @ LexTech Institute – 13 & 14 October 2023
Other recorded events
Past Events
ChatGPT, Large Language Models and Law
Prof. Harry Surden (Professor at the University of [...]
CODIFI – Digital Economy / Decentralised Autonomous Organisations
Prof. Florence Guillaume and Sven Riva participated in [...]
Le Paradigme Bitcoin
Conference day "Le Paradigme Bitcoin" June 24, 2022 [...]
NFTs not your cup of tea? Well, they should: NFTs as a new way of fighting counterfeiting and piracy
NFT More and more companies are jumping on [...]
CUSO doctoral seminar “Technology, humans and the law”
The 2022 annual seminar of the CUSO doctoral [...]
Innovation Day 2021: Creative commons: the business model of the 21st century?
The Innovation Day 2021 on "Creative commons: the [...]
Doctoral Meeting Blockchain, cryptoeconomy and law
The doctoral meeting ‘’Blockchain, cryptoeconomy and law’’, organized [...]
Markets and power in the digital age
The conference "Markets and power in the digital [...]
Law of Market Technologies
The "Law of Market Technologies" course will be [...]
Give your opinion on the DAO Model Law!
The COALA expert group has been working for [...]
Pygmalion, a Lexicographic Tool for Drawing Interactive Maps
On Tuesday the 11th of May 2021, at [...]
Droit social 4.0
Le cours "Droit social 4.0" sera dispensé au [...]
Cycle of Doctoral Meetings “Law and technology”
The LexTech Institute, in partnership with the University [...]
Call for contributions – Markets and Power in the Digital Age
Please find enclosed a call for contributions for [...]
Blockchain et fiscalité
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que [...]
Soutenance de thèse
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que [...]
Les Journées suisses du digital
Les Journées suisses du digital ont pour mission [...]
Blockchain et société 4.0
Le LexTech Institute organise un workshop pour les doctorants sur [...]
Le droit à l’intégrité numérique
La Faculté de droit de l'Université de Neuchâtel [...]
Blockchain et gouvernance
Le LexTech Institute a le plaisir d’accueillir la [...]
Blockchain et Smart Contracts
Les Prof. Blaise Carron et Christoph Müller de [...]
Blockchain and smart contracts: technology, applications and legislation
Le Prof. Pascal Felber et Dr. Valerio Schiavoni [...]