Creative IP Lab
Creative IP Lab

The development of digital technologies is resulting in a reevaluation of the private use of intellectual property in favor of new economic and knowledge sharing models. In some fields, exclusive rights on intellectual creations are giving way to royalty-free intangible assets.

Work that is under open source or creative commons licenses can not only be improved by everyone, but can also be freely copied, shared and used. The collective management of copyrights pursues the same goals of enriching the common cultural and informational patrimony by favorizing the widespread circulation and distribution of protected goods, whilst ensuring a fair remuneration for creators.

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms (machine learning), humans are no longer the sole creators of new ideas. The framework for intellectual property must be redesigned in light of new creations being produced by robots and by artificial intelligence. The most efficient way to protect these creations (works, inventions, designs, etc.) must be determined, whilst taking into consideration the general interests of our society.


New projects coming soon!

Publications in the field of Law

Hundt Kimberly, FRAND or foe ? Could FRAND licences lead to the harmonisation of intellectual property rights in licensing law?, Master’s Thesis, Neuchâtel 2020.

Kraus Daniel/Burkard Daniel, Die Verwechslungsgefahr im Firmenrecht: Erkenntnisse aus der jüngsten Rechtsprechung des Bundesgericht, Sic! 9/2020, p. 457-474.

Kraus Daniel/Schaub Christophe, Blockchain et Propriété intellectuelle, in: de Werra Jacques, Propriété intellectuelle à l’ère du Big Data et de la Blockchain, Propriété Intellectuelle, Vol. 13 (2020), p. 133-156.

Salvadé Vincent, La responsabilité des plateformes au regard de la révision du droit d’auteur, Jusletter Weblaw of the 25 may 2020.

Salvadé Vincent, Tarifs de droit d’auteur: questions choisies, Sic! 6/2020, p. 329-338.

Kraus Daniel/Boulay Charlotte, Blockchains: aspects of intellectual property law, in: Kraus Daniel/Obrist Thierry/Hari Olivier (eds), Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organizations and the Law, Cheltenham/Northampton 2019, p. 240-271.

Tissot Nathalie/Kraus Daniel/Salvadé Vincent, Propriété intellectuelle – Marques, brevets, droit d’auteur, Bern 2019.

Bauer Yves/Tissot Nathalie/Mercier Hugues/Cottier Bertil, SafeCloud deliverable 2.6 Legal analysis, 2018.

Bauer Yves/Tissot Nathalie/Mercier Hugues, SafeCloud deliverable 2.3 Legal recommendations, 2017.

Salvadé Vincent, Streaming et linking: la neutralité technologique du droit d’auteur est-elle assurée?, Revue suisse de droit des affaires et du marché financier, 2017, p. 71-78.

Salvadé Vincent, Droit d’auteur et technologies de l’information et de la communication, Geneva/Zurich/Basel 2015.

Kraus Daniel, Is TRIPS innovative enough ? How to reconcile IP, innovation and health, Reflections on the Constitutionalisation of International Economic Law, in: Marise Cremona and al. (eds), Liber Amicorum for Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Leiden, 2014, p. 379-388.

Reusser Steve, L’admissibilité des hyperliens en droit d’auteur et en droit de la concurrence déloyale, Thesis, Neuchâtel/Basel 2014.

Salvadé Vincent/Tissot Nathalie, La réalisation d’un site web ou l’ouverture d’un compte par le travailleur. Qui est titulaire des droits?, in: Dunand Jean-Philippe/Mahon Pascal (eds), Internet au travail, Geneva/Zurich/Basel 2014, p. 227-253.

Publications in the field of Science

Stiefel Léa/Sandoz Alain, Une plateforme en pair-à-pair pour le partage des données : l’émergence d’un commun numérique, Terminal, 2021 (publication to come).

Publications in the field of Social Sciences

Jeannerat Hugues/Haisch Tina/Crevoisier Olivier/Mayer Heike , Pour une politique de communs innovatifs, Neuchâtel/Bern 2017.

Jeannerat Hugues/Kebir Leïla, Knowledge, resources and markets : What economic system of valuation ?, Regional Studies 50, 2016, p. 174-288.

Name Surname

Prof. Florence Guillaume
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Nathalie Tissot
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Daniel Kraus
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Vincent Salvade
Faculty of Law

Name Surname

Prof. Hugues Jeannerat
Faculty of Social Sciences

Name Surname

Dr. Matthieu Mulot
Faculty of Science

Name Surname

Yves Bauer
PhD student, Faculty of Law