
CAS in Law and artificial intelligence

The post-graduate training course (CAS) Law and artificial intelligence aims to strengthen the role of the legal professions in the revolution induced by artificial intelligence (10 ECTS)

Bachelor in data science

The Bachelor’s degree in data science develops skills as a data scientist, but also skills in specific professions through elective courses (economics, statistics, natural sciences, humanities, etc.)

Master in innovation

A Master’s degree course with a choice between three orientations that undertake an interdisciplinary approach to contemporary societal and technological issues such as sustainability, digitalization and the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0) (120 ECTS)

Doctoral Training Program in Law and Technology

The  “Law and Technology ” cycle of doctoral meetings consist of a series of six meetings that aim to engage the participants in an ongoing examination of the legal framework in which technology can develop whilst taking into consideration the technical limitations that face the application of the rules of law