Eight months after its launch, the LexTech Institute has just inaugurated its eighth research lab. The Digital Society Lab is dedicated to the analysis of the digital transformation of society and the resulting consequences on individuals. This new lab broadens the LexTech Institute’s community by incorporating researchers with a particular interest in the analysis of the impact of digitalization on human activity and life in society.

The 90 researchers from the four faculties of the University of Neuchâtel that are part of the LexTech Institute strive to build the society 4.0 in an interdisciplinary and inter-faculty dynamic that favors a broad spectrum of scientific reflection. Their research offers, as a whole, a comprehensive analysis of the impact that digital technologies have on law, economy, society and, more generally, on humans.

The website now features the Center’s activities in both French and English, which will contribute to the further growth of our network of digital experts in Switzerland and abroad. The LexTech Institute is thus ready to establish scientific collaborations with other academic institutions and actors of the digital space.

Florence Guillaume and Pascal Felber, founders of the LexTech Institute

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Professor of Private International Law at the University of Neuchâtel | Research focus on legal issues of digitalization (blockchain, platforms, AI, digital integrity) | Founder of the LexTech Institute

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Professor at the University of Neuchâtel | Head of the research group on Complex Systems in the Computer Science department, which focuses on dependable, concurrent, and distributed computing | Founder of the LexTech Institute